Greensboro Premier
Luxury Remodeler
FM Contracting

Greensboro Premier Luxury Remodeler
Thinking about remodeling or adding space to your home or business? FM Contracting is a residential and commercial general contractor, specializing in home remodeling and commercial upfits in Greensboro, NC and the surrounding areas including High Point and Burlington. We specialize in custom-designed remodels and additions, adding long-lasting value and style to your home or business. Our sustainable building systems and customer satisfaction focus reflect the commitment that we bring to all of our residential and commercial clients. As a certified residential general contractor in Greensboro, we consistently provide high quality craftsmanship and thoughtful design to all of our projects. From whole house remodeling to decks and room additions, your newly constructed or remodeled space will be highly functional and inviting, reflecting the quality of teamwork, communication, cost analysis, knowledge and experience that went into the design..
About us
The FM Contracting Experience.
What We Can Do For You

Custom Kitchen Remodel
Building Options
Your dream is our inspiration, every FM Contracting home is unique.
At FM Contracting we understand that where you live is as important as the home you live in. Throughout the building experience, you are in control of the planning and designing of your new custom home through our personal one-on-one consultations.

Bathroom Remodel
Customized for You
Through our commitment of design, we can achieve and provide the essentials of building your new home from the first steps of the initial planning and design-making process to making all the endless selections to create the perfect atmosphere and comfort of your new Elegant home.

Whole House Remodel
Of the Highest Quality
Your dream is our inspiration, every FM Contracting home is unique.
We work closely with each homeowner to build the home that fits their needs and lifestyle. This FM Contracting difference means your home will reflect the features most important to you, not the builder. Choosing the perfect property is the first step. We specialize in building in the most prestigious areas around the city. Explore the many communities available for your new home build – finding the right lot for your new home is important.
From the designing, to the pricing, to the construction of your new home – our personal team will guide you through this process every step of the way to ensure nothing is missed. It’s the dedicated teamwork and total quality management approach that empowers us to build your ultimate dream home.
Where We Build
“Thank you again for all of your help. Elizabeth and I are very pleased with the results of our project.”
“The Raising Roofs Builders Blitz was an amazing sight to see. It was an incredible accomplishment for the builders and subcontractors to construct 7 homes in 5 days. You are an important part of the Habitat family. Thank you for making it possible for hardworking families to achieve the life-changing dream of homeownership.”
“We love the deck! It is exactly what I wanted. You and your men did a a perfect job in constructing it. Please let everyone know how much we appreciate their expertise and your guidance.”
“As a board member I would like to personally thank you for your commitment to Raising Roofs. With your help Habitat will be able to continue their mission of providing homes, building communities and fostering hope!”
Request a Quote or Contact us
Open: Monday – Friday 9:am – 5pm
1840 Pembroke Rd. Suite #2
Greensboro, NC 27408, USA